Monday, September 15, 2014

ChowdaQ I 2008

After dismal failure it was several years before a ChowdaQ was once again attempted but a group did descend upon Goddard State park in Rhode Island in September of 2008. This time there were 8 with 5 cars. There were burgers and sausages and bacon and things that food eats.

We learned much at that first Q. Primarily we learned that cooking on the grills in the park was a terrible idea because the bars that make up the grill are much too far apart. In the end we cooked slowly on a hibachi meant to feed no more than two people. Still neither that nor the impending foul weather did dampen our enthusiasm.

We ended with what we thought would become a Q tradition but did not.

Old benzes in their natural environment.

Q0, the ChowdaQ that wasn't

September 2005, Dunn Park Gardner, MA

Rain, rain and more rain. We awaken to rain with a forecast of rain all day. We have made no provisions for rain. Food will not cook in this rain, the Q would be unhappy, we cancel the Q. We think this will be no problem, no one has said they would come to the Q anyway.

Two travelers miss the message, they travel to the park. They walk around the park, they do not meet each other.

This is no kind of a Q.

Begin at the beginning

First there was Rusty. Rusty provided parts to the people of the MBZ. Rusty held a customer appreciation barbecue in Georgia named the RustyQ and it was good.

Later came Kaleb in Oklahoma, the OkieQ which was also good.

LT Don got on board in Iowa with the unimaginatively named IowaQ.

In the northeast we were sad to miss out on the Q fun and decided to have our own Q. When casting about for a name someone pointed out that New England is known for is Chowder and for pronouncing the letter R as an A and then ChowdaQ was born.